Red Day Tomorrow, Duffer is Talking on 2 Music Panels Wed......WHY the day before Thanksgiving...LMFAO......are they 100% Clueless on Marketing.....
.....your leader THing1 must be getting ready to Cut the Turkey (state bird and nexcf flag logo) with some Hand Waving Hocus Pocus Special Words in BS, and may be off this week.....??
...1 more spike to $2 and I wil be 100% out of this sh&^ this another FF with evan.....?????? least the duffer doesn't flap his arms like a Fool when he explains something...he still is worthlesss, has done Nothing besides reyrson and What have they brought in for $$$$$$....LMFAO....Fire Both Bobbleheads to save the
New chief of Audit for the company ????? Look for a RS soon and that will be the end for 2 years..........MO.... is in a corner now and the ceo has NO idea how to get
.....same as FF ??????...... evan has ONLY himself to Blame for this mess, and Gamblers have ONLY Themselves to Blame for
.....any word on NASDAQ, what a smh for leading on these gamblers for so l;
.....Step Up and be a Real ceo for once...what a disgrace in my
... these clowns need to Stop putting their mugs on Every Interview that takes their money or stock and start to Sell's my own fault, just hope the tech overcomes the Leadership......mO......How did the ...
I do like their web site, Looks updated with New Companies ???
.....tell evan he is NOT Black Bart, so change the shirt once a month, what a Clown.....such an amature...MO