Yes, the Brewery Creek update is the big elephant in the room IMO.
I don't recall seeing any posts since the merger regarding this, although I may have missed it, and which seems to be complelted ignored in the share price:
"it is estimated that roughly 248,000 oz of unrecovered gold remains in about 9.5 million metric tons of material Viceroy stacked on the heap-leach pad."
At $1800 an ounce that is about $450 million in gold mined but not processed if I'm reading it right (see entire article in link at the top). Obviously there is a substantial cost to process it, and processing equipment is not ready, but the market seems to be igorning the entire Brewery Creek acquisition (at the moment). Rather it seems to be caught up in a likely share consolidation.
Eric Sprout had invested in it substantially in earlier years it says, so am taking that as meaning it's not just a large hillside of gravel left.