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Blue Horizon Global Capital Corp C.BHCC

Alternate Symbol(s):  MOOIF

Blue Horizon Global Capital Corp., formerly Sensor Technologies Corp., is an investment company. The Company's primary objective is to identify promising companies with excellent projects, innovative technologies or both, using management's extensive experience in deal sourcing and capital combination to maximize returns for its shareholders. The Company shall invest its funds with the aim of generating returns from capital appreciation and investment income. It intends to accomplish these goals through the identification of and investment in securities of private and publicly listed entities across a range of sectors and industry areas, including technology, software development, and biotechnology industries.

CSE:BHCC - Post by User

Comment by Pandoraon Nov 25, 2021 10:36pm
Post# 34167375

RE:RE:RE:RE:An Update

RE:RE:RE:RE:An Update
Leerykevin wrote: This was originally a pure oil play (as Mooncor, their previous name) that proposed another crazy transaction that fell through and saw them start a pipeline remote sensing business that has keep the lights on for many years now.  
   Anyone doing simple due diligence by reading any SEDAR MD & A can find out these facts along with the fact they still carry oil wells, shut in for years, that are major liabilities with Alberta starting to police abandoned wells.
   IMO there is no way they will raise the 1 million cash added as part of this "recent" transaction.
   This play was "pumped" on by someone with a Twitter following posting Emerson updates with such topics as "space cabbage", with their grow lights part of a international space station experiment.  Truth is stranger than fiction, I couldn't dream this stuff up. lol

I am very familiar with the Mooncor - Augusta story because I have been there done that. The way you wrote the words I thought you were implying that Emerson was carrying a bunch of abandoned wells. Mistake in my reading -- no worries.
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