RE:take advantage of this one day event!!!!Did you or is this another lie?
You say one day you have 80k shares the next you say you dont
lies on top of lie on top of lies on top of lies
In june I said it woud hit $22.50 you said it woul dnever happen and you would apologize to the board if it did and admit you were wrong and here we are about to dip under it for the third time in a short window...... no apology yet
You said it would never hit $20 but I see it in the cards
People are going ot panic sell this one and no matter how many times you lie or boast $30 in 30 days its not going to stop it.
Stop losses will be triggered. Wonder how up set you are that you your self did not have that $500,000 ago?
Invinceableone wrote: Not going to happen again for a very long time! remember March 2020 when you didn't buy and I was fortunate enough to do so! Well here is yours chance people!