your eyes and brainmichelville9 wrote: L' argent vient avec la 2 et 3e transformation. L' avenir est avec l' Europe si les USA ne changent pas leur idee concernant les primes pour les ve contruit entietement susx UDA dans des usines syndiquees. Interdire l' exportation des materaux strategiques vers les USA les ferait peut eyre reflechir
Aller voir ce lien au sujet du graphite (anglais)
July 14, 2021 en voici quelques extraits ci-dessous
Dans cet article du 14 juillet 2021 la premiere phrase est celle-ci
The US currently produces no graphite, and many are wondering if graphite mining in the US will happen. Here’s an overview of the situation. China is the top producer of graphite by far, but for various reasons it’s not particularly easy — or desirable — to invest in companies mining graphite there. But while investors are keen to take stakes in North America-focused graphite companies, there are very few companies actually producing graphite in the region. In fact, of the countries in North America, only Canada (10,000 metric tons) and Mexico (8,000 metric tons) produced graphite in 2020, accounting for a combined 2 percent of global supply; meanwhile, the US produced none at all. Graphite is deemed a critical material by the US, and about a century ago it was mined abundantly in the country, mostly in Alabama. However, according to a report from the US Geological Survey, graphite mining in the US has long since stagnated. In fact, the metal has not been mined in the country since 1990, when United Minerals suspended operations at its graphite mine in Montana.
As a result, the US now imports all of the graphite it requires. In terms of domestic demand, 2020 saw 95 US firms consume 35,000 metric tons of natural graphite valued at US$21 million.
Total imports for that year stood at 41,000 tons of natural graphite — of that amount, 71 percent was flake and high-purity graphite, 28 percent was amorphous graphite and 1 percent was lump and chip graphite. The US’ main import sources of graphite for the year were China (33 percent), Mexico (23 percent), Canada (17 percent) and India (9 percent). The remaining 18 percent came from other sources.
US graphite consumption was mainly attributed to such end uses as batteries, brake linings, lubricants, powdered metals, refractory applications and steelmaking.
US graphite mining: Demand rising
Demand for graphite is traditionally closely tied to steelmaking and manufacturing, but is now also coming from the production of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. Interestingly, these batteries actually contain 10 to 30 times more graphite than lithium.
Alors, votre crainte pour l'exportation de materiaux strategiques est injustifiee.
Si les USA ont a choisir le graphite canadien (Quebecois) ou le graphite chinois, ou croyez-vous qu'il serait avantageux pour les USA d'importer le graphite ?