RE:Elon Musk Doomed To Fail.... If his ultimate Goal for Not sure how old you are, but you write like a teenager going through puberty.
Once you have some life experience under your belt you'll figure out the truth behind the saying "nothing in life is gauranteed but death and taxes".
There's two sides to every coin that gets flipped. The Nazi's ushered in a new era of health care thanks to their horrific human experimentation.
Humanity will cease to exist at some point just as the dinosaurs did, that's gauranteed. But hey, if the dinosaurs didn't go we may have never come around and who knows what happened beyond the beginning of everything..
The entire universe is a story of death and rebirth.
You shouting on the roof tops that the sky is falling on a 'bull'-board with very little to back up your errant claims is equivalent to corner street ranting and it gets tiring. Eventually people just hit mute. Bring something meaningful to the table, or go the way of the dodo. That's what 'life' demands.