NCI -- FORM 62-103F1 EARLY WARNING REPORT 11/29/2021FORM 62-103F1
Item 1 - Security and Reporting Issuer
State the designation of securities to which this report relates and the name
and address of the head office of the issuer of the securities.
The designation of securities to which this report relates is to units ("Units"), with
each Unit comprising (i) one common share (a "Common Share") of Nevada
Copper Corp. (the "Issuer") and (ii) one-half of one Common Share purchase
warrant (each full warrant, a "Warrant").
The address of the head office of the Issuer is:
Nevada Copper Corp.
61 E. Pursel Lane
Yerington, Nevada 89447
State the name of the market in which the transaction or other occurrence
that triggered the requirement to file this report took place.
The purchase of Units through a public offering of the Issuer (as described herein),
pursuant to the filing of a prospectus by the Issuer.
Item 2 - Identity of the Acquiror
State the name and address of the acquiror.
Solway Finance LTD. ("Solway")
Baarerstrasse 8, 6300 Zug Switzerland
State the date of the transaction or other occurrence that triggered the
requirement to file this report and briefly describe the transaction or other
On November 29, 2021, Solway purchased an aggregate of 48,700,000 Units
pursuant to a public offering of Units of the Issuer (the "Offering"), resulting in
Solway acquiring beneficial ownership of, and control or direction over,
48,700,000 Common Shares and 24,350,000 Warrants. The Issuer issued an
aggregate of 162,644,300 Units and 2,000,000 Warrants under the Offering,
including 14,544,300 Units and 2,000,000 Warrants pursuant to the partial
exercise of the underwriters' over-allotment option. In addition, the Issuer
completed a concurrent private placement whereby it issued an additional
98,104,584 Units (the "Private Placement"). Further information in respect of the
Offering and the Private Placement is contained in the Issuer's press release dated- 2 -
November 29, 2021, a copy of which can be found under the SEDAR profile of the
Issuer at