As a real shareholder of NXR it has been a joy to see some real owners actually discussing a sock instead of moronic posts and stupid videos posted by a warped piece of garbage. . Don't respond SD as l will since those morons and the bigger corrupt frauds who hack or just monitor these boards 24\7 have posted a target the size of a barn door on my backside. They are nothing but stalkers liars posers of women going back 4 generations and 4 years to the originator Joenomoney with 14 accounts that fool along with about 80 other of his aliases removed. Proactive rule enforcement not likely get rid of a lower level lowlife allow 2 new ones to full fill the fraud need for reads and likes. One look at the BS leaderboards populated by inhouse creations testifys to the fraud. Notice none of the big guys removed. The claim is they monitor monthly for fraud, maybe examine your paid workers and their activities. Just disgraceful  BS selective censorship. Solution all those real posters pull the cheats off ignore , hit abuse Everytime they post , flood SH with abuse reports until they act in a responsible manner. This post or me last long , probably not but that's all right , l at least like you got a momentary free say to actually post an opinion. Nothing vulgar but the posted rules only apply to lemmings that tow the line.Screw them