RE:RE:But You Said ! - Time Lines and Other "Broken(?) Promises"Everyone seems to be so antsy holding Paul and team to a timeline that was given as a guide not a specific date. The posters over on the LSE board are a little over the top with over thinking. They give a general timeline to the flow test results. One late service or needing a part for a repair would throw the "timeline" out the window. I am thinking the more I read posts on multiple boards the more I think that many people don't truly understand how most oil and gas companies operate. Most provide the quarterly updates and year end results with operational updates. Yes, this is a junior and are working on a high impact exploration program. They are supplying the information to the shareholders when it becomes available. Many posters are seemingly going off the deep end with their comments. Time to calm down. If it is truly the best well Paul has seen in 35 years then relax. If it isn't, Paul will lose all confidence with his shareholders and would likely have to resign. His statement was a big one. Let's be patient and see what the results are.