RE:RE:Deliveries as of November 30 !July, thank you for continiouse good work
yes, it us a lot of work, and require lots of decepline to check and verify numbers, enteries etc, but very helpfull for us all
just one remark i like tio add, i have been keeping track of exportation for a long time,, so i know what it take
also i noticed according to my file that up to today in Q4 bbd delivered 6 G7500 for toral of 36 G7500 i 2021 for a total of 80 since program started a few years back
so, bbd achived first milestine (deliver between 35-40 G7500 ib 2021)
and getting closer to the second one which is delivering 120 bus. jets (120 - 98) = 22 to go