RE:RE:RE:Hiv at 40 video This is about fostensavir
"Currently, the demand for drugs to use in multidrug resistance in the UK is too limited for a full NICE evaluation. Access however, will be available based on NHS recommendations from specialist HIV commissioning."
Suggests NICE won't be evaluating either this drug or Trogarzo, which means NHS access is through specialists filling out special paperwork. That suggests to me that the drug is available to UK patients thru the NHS as long as the doctor does the necessary work. I don't really know what a drug launch looks like in the Uk. There is no advertising to patients about drugs.
SPCEO1 wrote: Completely at the opposite end of spectrum from a production values perspective. I wonder what the back story for this is? You likely saw the three names on the screen at the start of the video - did they sponsor it? Was this part of an effort to get TH's brand established in the UK before Trogarzo is launched there?
qwerty22 wrote:
In case people don't know ITN is the leading commercial network TV company in the UK, behind the bbc. Possibly the leading production company in uk TV. It's a helluva step up from that recent video they put out!