RS vote is immaterialThose having been invested in DM for some time will know that the RS vote is a recurring theme, which has been put to vote and approved over, at least, the past two years.
Over that period MG has explicitly mentionned, on more than one occasion, that he doesn't (currently) favour a RS. In essence, if I understand the rationale sufficiently, it's voted on to provide management a tool in the event they may need it at some point.
With money in the bank, no debt, contracts lining up, new verticles etc, one of the only reasons I could see DM resorting to a RS, at this point, would be to position themselves to graduate to another stock exchange. For the time being MG appears confident (increasingly) enough, not to need it.
Now, if stars aligned and a major opportuntiy came about where it would make good business (investor) sense to, say, uplist to NASDAQ, it may make some measure of sense to do this, in due course. However, for the time being MG appears confident enough (in my opinion, when looking the likes of the most recent Agoracom interview) not to need this - in essence, organically generating sufficient sp increase to meet uplisting needs, without having to conduct a RS or, if so, at a lower ratio than what may have been considered necessary only a few months ago.
In short, the RS vote (even if, as the past years, at a 10:1) doesn't concern me at all. Reason why I consider it mostly immaterial, in my DM DD (although would likely feel differently about RSs of other stocks).
My two cents.