GREY:NEVDQ - Post by User
Comment by
patchhon Dec 01, 2021 8:31pm
Post# 34188019
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Return 2021; We appreciate that you are a recent
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Return 2021; We appreciate that you are a recent
look bogus ! U don't read the SEDARS or mabey U could read between the lines...
i glanced at the last three - didn't see a new flash they were lifting ore to the top..
toss in a 2000 foot drain well by longyear in 2019; come forward to 2021 and get information that first dyke is 700 feet.. that a couple touch downs and a BJ..
latest sedar has the mine w a new 700 foot lateraland no mention of ore going topside.. only a StarBuks sgar cube planned..
i am NOT a miner... i am looking at a history of meager information updates by NCI - several weeks apart... buzzings like and of third - then beginning of 4th now sometime into 2022
-- now weasel whipp ! that un-audited IFS w the declaration on page 10 of Impared Asset / prepared by managment (they can od this - but its not an industry standard to stamp Ur own books for investors) - as a MEMO of the mine as not being a CASH GENERATING UNIT until 2024.. this smacks that the mine will again roduce megar to bismal hoisting going into the second or third 1/4 of 2022..
Ur the mine expert w juniors... SO What gives ?
-->>> then lets take the VEnts.... will NCI need a Counter Shaft to connect to the lower Ramparts.. -->> is this is the case ! that suggest a shaft to the dept of the main hoist to make a connection... jamming a vent on top of the emergency shaft is not quiet the same item as running electrical thru conduit...
dimensionally thinking ! NCI will hav to place thaat vent shaft -if- required // some distance in the direction of the Dykes extensions.. three of 4 football fields in the opposite direction of the main hoist and impervious to an OP Blast Zone..
if this is the case,, we are looking at another cementation contractor coming in and knocking out a new shaft.... thats a lotta time.. probably looking at close to a year..\
then in all of these happy rabbit tunes NCI calle info releases.. there is not mention of the shafts only the vents are arriving nwo simetime in 2022; whe htye were slated for delivery and install third quarter...
that sounds like thye are still having a problem serving Noah an Eviction Notice over that dyke..