Can Frank Hollyer perform as Executive Chairman? I, among many other shareholders felt he was useless as SVA Chairman.
I did not vote for him last AGM. I understand he has performed well in the
past with other companies. Let's tell him to JUST GET THE JOB DONE AND
NOW. If I were him, I would immediately:
1. Have Life Science phone GINA KOLATA, NY Times - Have I got a story for you,
one that is much better than you recently wrote re Diabetes. LIfe Sciences have
the data, our patients are brittle diabetics, the sickest of the sickest, and relay
our study of Patient #1. Have Life Sciences review VX-880 one year to reduce
HbA1c 1% from Baseline. SVA wins this one.
Arrange for Life Sciences to get top quality news coverage for SVA.
2. Time for Ray Matthews & Life Sciences to perform or "out the door".
At time of typing this, 35,000 shares traded on TSX, DJ +632.
Days of Old Boys Club is over.
3. Time to sign a deal with a Device Manufacturer and Big Pharma that is
best for shareholders.
4. Time for Cannacord to keep their promise of an Analyst Report.
5. How about JDRF US Website include SVA & U of Chicago Clinical Trial,
SVA should get coverage, not just ViaCyte.
6. Keep SVA well ahead of the competition