RE:Lots of pets by Sarge of lateMollyRJ wrote: Defiance , Sarge x , aka Stoogex is a real standup guy, ntic thee fraudulent thums up. He is well known for been instrumental along with othe s such as Fiddy and Quinine on driving of this bard , two f he MST respected and informative posters ever, Marner and Fantome, for selfish selfservng reasons , namely those validation likes. You are new t the boards s maybe unaware as he and the same group of walking censors on the NXR are are the ones responsible for post removal. Don't take my word for it as l detest the fake NC , just read his posting history and those other two clowns plus a couple of others for the last year.Makes interesting reading
It is Friday so Trevor put on his dress and turned into Molly. I wish share prices were as predictable as Trevor.