RE:RE:New video of E3 metal presentationConfirmed again in response to question at end of presentation, cash sufficient to get through drilling of lithium wells and construction of field pilot plant. This is excellent because the likelihood of another raise is extremely remote IMO with suitors likely already at the door and the JV price no doubt will go up when they confirm pilot prototype results late 2021/early 2022. With the massive potential that E3 presents, there is also no doubt they will receive much attention and support from the Alberta government that is under pressure on GHG matters
Yajne wrote: Great new video, thanks for posting. Still watching, but one thing I picked up early (approx 7:10) is Chris saying they have over $18million in the bank which confirms significant warrant conversion in recent weeks, probably a couple million more than the $5.6 in their Nov.3 NR. Well financed!!!
Millar wrote: