Inflation impact on LGO S/PMAY1/1997 - S/P....CAN$ 0.26 ( $78 value after R/S's)
MAR1/2000 - S/P....CAN$ 0.83 ($249 after R/S's)
Taking into consideration of compounded inflation rate in Canada :
May1/1997 - Present .. ...$78 (pre R/S's) present S/P ( just to get even!? ) should be $124
Mar1/2000 - Present .....$249(pre R/S's) present S/P to get even should be in the range of $372
One can only imagin how devastating investment in LGO coul be by folowing "hold and wait" strategy.
Present S/P - $11.50 or less than CAN$ 0.04 (pre R/S's)
Just compare - $78 in 1997 and $11.50 ......24 years later, not even taking into considaration inflation impact over that period of time.
Investment of $100k in 1997 would turn to be worth today less than $15k
The only winners are insiders cashing on freebies and.... declaring "increasing value for shareholders" !!??