Smart Station or not viable stationWhile the nice picture and futuristic concept laid out by ACDC for the smart station looks interesting on the surface what is not presented is affordability or potential for profit. Take a look at the costs to install and continued operation as well as future replacement costs and ask yourself if you think the ability to service 100 customers a day with this design sounds anywhewre close to being plausible.
I love all these news releases with new product launches. After a full year of these news releases the company is still not able to show even a dollar of revenue. This will continue the downward spiral back to its 3 or 4 cent value until that ever evasive revenue is generated. Maybe they can update on all those products that were supposed to earn revenue in Q3 and Q4 rather than talk about more products they will have in the future.
Same old story here. Continued cash burn and no revenue to repoprt. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.