MGMT. PRESENTATIONTHA TS IT, eric, thats the answer, mgmt. inability to SELL THE STORY. ARX HAS IT ALL, but the story line is confusing and does not promote their MAIN ASSET. Mgmt. has to be more POSITIVE, on what they have and the future. PRESENTATION, is very POOR and does not high light their assets, and bring ANY FUTURE PLAN FORWARD. This company needs a GOOD investor relation person . THEY have the location, the earnings, ,blah, blah, blah, to REALLY MOVE THE STOCK, institutions are not impressed. THAT IS THE MAIN REASON, STOCK IS NOT MOVING. The next quarter will see earnings, EXPLODE, some funds mgr. they see the story line , matter of time, before it becomes more apparent. The new level for ARX will be in the 17.00 range. It has to many positive things to keep it down. ERIC , thats it. KEEP BUYING IT, MAKING IT YOUR TOP HOLDING. MAYBE EVEN 22.00 BY APRIL. HAPPY CAPITALISM.