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Telecure Technologies Inc C.TELE

Telecure Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based health information technology company. The Company offers customized solutions for all telemedicine needs. The Company's platforms include CallingDr and FindingDr. Its CallingDr platform provides a complete telemedicine solution connecting doctors and caregivers with patients using any device. Its FindingDr platform provides an online appointment booking service that allows patients to find and book appointments with physicians and healthcare facilities. It has designed custom solutions for dentists, including an intraoral camera for tele-dentistry. Its platforms features include high-definition video visits, secure messaging, remote patient monitoring, patient and family health information, workflow flexibility, custom practice intake forms, and patient engagement. Its products can be integrated with various sets of patient monitoring and examination devices, such as intra oral camera, stethoscope, otoscope and smart wearable devices.

CSE:TELE - Post by User

Comment by dart321on Dec 08, 2021 2:54pm
Post# 34211602

RE:Still Halted

RE:Still HaltedMaybe another news release before trading? Some one to replace the trumplican or something else or not?
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