RE:GSPRemember Stockwatcher, rounding up CAD$471mmm for its first project is no mean feat for an explorer. Every step of the way has taken time: the environmental assessment took years (and that was just to be classfied as "not a development" avoiding the full EA process!), finding the right partners, debt due diligence, Euler Hermes insurance, the LSE listing.... And with temps at -6C as I pen this post, Gensource is likely in no rush to slam home a financial close and start paying interest on the debt through the dead of winter. I think we should take heart that just 7 weeks ago, GSP's board/management loaned the company $2mm of their own money (while HELM loaned $5mm) to keep the process moving. Obviously all knew at the time GSP would not be wrapping up financing in the next month or two, otherwise what was the $7mm for? Yes, the stock price has pulled back here, but we all know no stock goes straight up, especially as fast as GSP did in October, nearly doubling in 30 days. As GSP's equity contribution starts to take shape (or maybe even in anticipation of that), I believe the market will get excited about GSP again, as it realizes the deal is close to being done and the last bit of remaining uncertainty is vaporized. From everything I have seen, this appears to be a highly likely outcome.