compare the spikesSlow down people. You are still looking at a prototype. Do you know the percentage of prototypes that never get off the ground? The answer is most!
So lets look at a couple of comparable moments in acdc. 11 months ago they released the Ionix smart home product, titan series and rv batteries. Shares went from 3 to 24 cents. Pretty good looking spike and lots of positive vibes. 10 months ago acdc anounces partnership with Daymak and shares jump to 95 cents. Lots of buzz but unfortunately no substance and "let's get ready to tuuuuuumbllle"
Fast forward to this week.
Now the news is the release of yet another product and the share price doesnt budge and Daymak releases the prototype and share price goes up 8 cents not 80.
I would suggest that there is not a lot of faith in news that comes out of this management team and even positive news is treated with a small pop most likely from current owners seizing a better moment to get out as newbies buy into the same old hype.
The price jumps get smaller and die out faster. Look for the return to normal next week when people realize they have no revenue at all nor any kind of projected revenue. A lot of great things on the drawing board with little to no execution.
No sales=no revenue
No revenue=no share value
Next news release? Daymak buys ACDC. If you are real lucky it may be for a whole 25 cents.