Gold Fever, Right here Right now!From reading the post of Cobra Shelby, it is to me that as for AMK we could be hitting between a solid 7.oo to a very tough high of 14.oo USDs in a bidding War. That woild only become possible should we sell out the Goldstorm of 60 to 70 Mill OZ of AU.
Those have been my near prices for a long long time.
The fly in the ointment is "we may just goto production as the 3 AMIGOS MINING" with the sale of just the Gold Storm property being tendered to the new consortium of this Newco the 3 Amigos Mining. Company thinking as a 20 or 30 year life of mine is a point of cosideration. Walter handeled this same situation very well in Eastern Canada with the HUGE mine that he brought to production.
Question remains that,would we be more profitable for the Production model or the sell out deal???????