RE:AND SO ENDS THE LESSONStarsearcher80 wrote: Well Clowns, it's been real.
By the complete lack of posting now from the likes of WTN, Plant, OptRed and Homestench, it looks like the inevitable washing out of the market has taken place. That is unfortunate, because it could and should have been different.
For others new to the market, you just had a ring-side seat to what happens when you marry a stock. It's a very painful lesson to learn, and an excruciatingly painful lesson when the market ends up being your ultimate teacher. There are no prisoners. Just carnage.
If you're lucky, or smart, you learned the lesson just from being an audience member. Others would have to learn the hard(er) way, myself included many many years ago. Truly, its a lesson you never want to forget.
Ultimately, the good news is now at hand. Either you've learned that the market is not where you should be given your skills and disposition, or you can remain, albeit with a vastly re-tooled approach. You can, and will, play smarter.
Personally, the only sad part is I was actually on the side of the Clowns. Was I ruthless on them? Absolutely. But the effort, ultimately, was to save them from themselves. For myself too, it reminds me that these things can and do happen. To this day, it's a lesson I always want to keep front and centre of my own thinking.
This has been nothing short of a textbook example of what happens. However you the midst of, or from the sidelines, take the lesson, regroup, and live to win another day. To all who have been a part of this, truly, my best to you going forward in whatever shape or fashion that may take.
Finally, I'll repeat it again. The market is THE dirtiest sandbox to ever consider playing in. It is not fair. It is disgusting and ruthless. Now, start from that stance, and you'll be that much closer to surviving.
Best to all.
Great post....but most here will take this as a bash....I believe WEED Investors may have a Mental Illness with attachments to objects that can potentially harm them...this Company should be investigated asap and I will start the petition on the grounds of cruel and unusual punishment towards their Investors who clearly have this mental