Comments from DugstrThe following are two comments from Dugstr regarding AWS IoT Fleetwise and Wejo. The highlites are mine:
AWS IOT Fleetwise. This was discussed a few weeks ago on ST. Just my opinion. ( someone else clued me in a few weeks ago on ST - Thanks) the subject has rose up again on stockhouse. 1) AWS iot fleetwise is near real time. Not RTOS. You need RTOS to communicate with the brakes, lights, steering . Also, later on, RTOS will be tge standard to communicate with street lights, real time mapping, etc. 2) it is called AWS ( not amazon ) IOT fleetwise. I hardly doubt a sub-set of amazon (AWS) would be competing with itself- blackberry ivy. 3) if AWS iot fleetwise were competition for bb ivy- lawsuit for certain. - there is no way AWS iot fleetwise is competition for bb ivy. It is much more likely that , as somebody else posted to me, that AWS iot fleetwise rides on top of bb ivy, and they compliment each other. AWS iot fleetwise is not a threat to bb ivy.
AWS iot fleetwise competition? How about Wejo, ( Chevy) which is also a near real time operating system , ( NOT RTOS) wich also collects vehicle data? I suspect , and we will find out soon enough) that both Wejo and AWS iot fleetwise will have a similar working relationship with blackberry ivy.