RE:This winter has ZERO impact...Twoponds, i think everyone will agree with you, SALT is what it is, pure speculation on the future being timed with promotion, press releases, and rumors in the mill. It always works this way initially. The price of SALT has come from $0.10 to $1.70 in less than a year, the profits for everyone on this forum have been spectacular - wouldn't you agree? Most have take their profits and played the swings, adjusted their level of risk, and holding a position for the future potential growth. Then there are those holding for the big dream, i.e. get acquired. The real question in my mind is how high can the price go based on the current progress todate. We all know there is enough salt in the market, we have all just been joking about the pirates, salt, ice conditions, snow and Global warming and extreme events. SALT is fast tracking their resource and development curve because of the resource size, near surface, and close to shipping channels. Hopefully they continue to execute their business model as you have said. Interesting days of trading ahead, my guess over $2 soon but who knows, we have all been right and wrong a number of times. As my dad said, no one will ever fault you for taking a profit, however, they will joke with you if you don't play smart.