Hey Div

NPI is a mostly good news, a bit of bad news stock for us. My wife & I had completely sold all our long term shares (mostly late last year, early this year) and made a huge profit (held since Nov, 2014).

I have also been doing quite a bit of short term trading on it this year with some of our extra cash. YTD, I've done 11 trades and made good dough on each. 8 of the 11 were a <2 hr trade so it's been a lot of quick in, quick out (shows how volatile NPI is).

Unfortunately, I recently bought another 2000 shares at $42.25 and am "stuck" in the trade. I have a rule to never sell a trade for a loss so looks like I'll be holding for a while.

It's a tad ironic that over the last year, I've been preaching how over-valued pure renewables are and how many big issues they have and how they should be avoided for the long term. I guess I should have listened to myself and not got greedy with this last trade.  :-)

I'm thinking this will be my last NPI trade and I'll stick with some of my other favourite trading stocks like KEY, PPL, AQN, etc,

Take her easy