RE:Tesla 18 years to be profitablequinlash wrote: If you ever followed Tesla you will know a few things.
- They took 18 years to turn a profit
- They had pretty aggressive hedge funds attacking them and keeping their prices down
- Some of the most successful hedge fund managers went from managing billions to managing millions after having to buy back share at prices substantially over where they went short on the stock
- The hedges missed a few critical pieces of information in their research and made some pretty ignorant assumptions
Anyhow, not saying HEXO will be the Tesla of Cannabis however I am seeing a remarkable number of similarities
This guy doesn't own shares to pump or he is a complete idiot. I have a message for each one who believe his sh!t, you are a complete idiot. quinlash is not an idiot obviously, his argumentations are so stupid that only an idiot would believe him.
Tesla was only a few in the sector, but the one, and he is comparing it to a company with too much competitors!!!!!