The shorts and bashers go at length all together. They're probably lurking the "below 3$" like sharks smell blood.
Settoretire, now DJFog, Ahsuck77, Minote77, etc ...
Doubting that 3D-powder is for real now! Wow! Hey guys, certification takes time. Between 7-12 months, as per competitors that got certified. We started shipping in May. Do your research better guys and go see the press releases of Tekna and how long it took them to get certified. But hey, why would you, in fact? It's out of your mental capacity. Too lazzy? Why is it that shorts never support their claims (FUD) with documented sources?
DJFog is omitting the improvement process of PYR's 3D-printing powder. PYR should have stay with the system they sold to GE??? Ouf!!!!
Hey, that's very strange that DJFog bought 1y ago 0.35$, made good profit (as per his own word) and now wants to leave, when in fact, the company is way more advance and has more vertical markets than 1y ago! And he takes his time to write us a very long post! Isn't it fantastic?
Gees! These shorts are so poor in creating FUD. They cannot even make it like for real. A 6th grader would flare their manipulations 10 miles away.
Looks like another big idea that didn't go anywhere.
Three years ago they were going to make a fortune on powders. They were going to spin AM into a separate division to unlock shareholder value. Their powders were more uniform in size than the other powders, they had better flowability, the biggest names in AM were beating a path to PYRs door. Everybody on the message board was speculating, will the first contract be with Boeing, or maybe Rolls Royce? PYR made a big commotion about sending out samples to clients who, we were assured, were practically lining up, waiting for PYRs superior powders. Then we waited...and waited...and waited.
Sound familiar? If you read through the latest quarterly report you will see that additive manufacturing is now listed as being a medium to long term initiative. After all the hype about a spin out and oodles of money selling the most sought after powders on the market, PYR now appears to have abandoned the AM market without ever having made a single sale.
Anybody else noticing a pattern here. It's the same old hustle. PYR will announce some new market they are going to enter. The market will have a potential value of billions of dollars. They will insist that they are uniquily situated to excel in this new market and that buisinesses are so excited about the quality and superiority of PYRs offeriings that customers are coming to them. Then, little by little, over the next year or two, the big talk will taper off, then disappear, and eventually they will move on to the next big idea that is going to make billions.
I've been a shareholder long enough to remember all the money they were going to make selling 6N solar grade silicon metal. I still remember the quote at the time from one of the CEOs. It was going to be "as easy as turning a few knobs". Once again, all the true believer on the message board were talking back and forth with spot prices for SGSM. OMG it's selling for $20K a kilo, we're going to be rich! I guess the knobs were a little more complicated than first thought. PYR has now given up on trying to make SGSM and are talking about someday, maybe, makeing 2N slilcon. No sales or income ever materialized.
Let's see, what have else have they thrown against the wall to see if anyghing would stick. They were going to rule the world with all their tunnel boring machines. That has now been quietly abandonded.
They were going to sell Drosrite systems by the thousands. When contracts stopped at a grand total or one, they came up with their wonderful tolling idea whereby the customer didn't even have to buy the equipement, PYR would set it up. They didnt find any takers for that either.
And now here we are with the latest scheme that is guaranteed,
guaranteed I tell you, to make billions and turn everybody into PYRO millionaires. Plasma torches. This brought about the most excitement on the message board yet. They were going to sell thousands. They were going to make billions. Uncleron turned into Uncleidiot. But once again, we see the same old pattern emerging. It's now going on two years since clients A, B, C, and D. Almost two years since anticipating so many orders they were unsure if they would be able to keep up with production, and it's the same results as always. We wait...and wait...and wait.
I've been listening to promises from the CEO about contracts just around the corner for the better part of a decade now. Nothing has ever come of it. I just don't believe a word the guy says anymore. PYR is the same niche company now that they were when I got in. A modest contract here and there, but not a trace of evidence of any type of industrial adoption of their technology.
Not waiting for the shareprice to sink back to a penny stock and get booted off the TSX & NASDAQ. Sold it all two days ago. Got in years ago at 35 cents so still made a good profit, but made a huge mistake in waiting too long to sell.
Good luck to those of you who stick around. I'm out.
snizelthewizel1 wrote:3D powders ??? any idea, its olny been years. why will ou not update our sharholders on your powders division. Is the whole 3D printing division done ? are the samples that you sent to the big players months and months ago no good ?
something. give em something