The media is right that un-vax r to blame, but the WEF unvaxor placebo vaccinated.
Which the media don't distinguish because they don't work for the
people of the world, but the corporations of the world, the most
important people, as the law developed it be.
And the corporations have taken over all the gov’ts and parties
of the gov’ts of the world, and are the law. As the most important
peoples of the world as history's development of the law has
made them out to be.
Good luck trying to get them to see it this post’s way. They won’t !
They don’t have to now. We are on our own in the quagmire
developing all around us due to the corporations’ covid-19 pandemic.
the WEF have created.
Which is really the vaccine pandemic of toxic stuff they now get to
put in our bodies and do what they want with us. The arbiters of life
and death. That is what is going on every day with every announcement
from the gov’ts, media and corporations, to the world’s peoples.
And most, too unquestionly submissively submit to as if it is the most
naturally thing to do.
Because they the WEF and who they represent are our betters and know
better and don't need us, the peoples of the world, to be part of their persons
and decision making.
The WEF (world economic forum) represent not the large population
of the world that are un-vaccinated, because they know the vaccines
are the pandemic. Nor do they represent the vaccinated they say are
being saved by them, along with claiming to save the world climate.
And tell us how to live and what to eat and what to put in our bodies
medically to save ourselves and the environment.
Who made us and the environment the mess they are in the first place?
Us or the world corporations? Which people???
The WEF represents the corporations of the world, the only real people
in their minds, including the biggest ormost influential of all, the central
banks. All of whom know they created the world's problems, science
and medicine type and now the vaccine pandemic to scare and control
our lives and bodies with.
And of course the WEF and their gov’ts and media they control are
not blaming their un-vaccinated, or placebo vaccinated, selves, as the
blame the vast un-vaccinated who don't want to put poisons into them
Got it?????? Of course not !!!!!!!!
Everyone else who are sheepish and think what is going on is personally
normal, the WEF do accept - as sheeps to be slaughtered .
This retired Republican Craig Roberts knows all the above and more, who
vainly or futilely stands up for the people of the world has 'gots it' (has figured
it out). After reading it do you 'gots it', now ??????
Good luck fighting back. If you even live long enough to? Or healthily
enough to??? You are being poisoned after all, and blaming the people that
don't want to be poisoned. Not the poisoners !!!!!!
Hmmm !!!!!!