RE:New well@Peter99 - I can understand your impatience, but what you're asking RECO to do would be extrememly foolish. This isn't a science experiment it is managing risk. Perhaps an analogy would help clear this up a bit.
Would you buy a stock without doing any due diligence, or reading into the company's business - I would really hope you wouldn't. Now, based on your due diligence, and potentially relying on market experts to help form your opinion, I would hope that you would start to build your position and not bet the farm at one time. As you become more informed about the company, and the company delivers on its business plans (which you follow) you begin to gain greater conviciton in the perfomance of the company and its stock, and you invest more. RECO is doing just that.
They started to de-risk the play, and they are using the infomration they gain to continually inform their decisions. They are using the info from the first 2 wells to pick the best well location with the highest chance of success. A producing well isn't guaranteed, and to drill blindly would be foolish and reckless - not to mention a very expensive gamble. This is going to take time to develop a handful of producing wells, which at this point would be deemed appraisal wells.
This is going to take time (years) so we need to all either accept this and be patient, or I may suggest that if you are expecting great returns over a short period of time that you move your investment elsewhere (like crypto or a meme stock, those seem to have astronomical risk/return on a whipsaw). Just trying to help those see the big picture of how an oil and gas asset is developed, and to develop realistic expectations of RECO in the short term.