try to keep up hereyes the discussion has been about the second test. the first test is done, in the past, the company has not even prometd it. 30 feet of pay in lousy rock is not a valuable find, dispite all your valuable not.
so, txp ran test 2 uphole. those results were recent and that is why I was referencing it. why you are stuck on test 1 is weird. It was not a great interval. it will likely not be produced. you do not spend $10 mill to find small lousy interval. Granted it flowed ok, has trouble filling a 3.5 inch tube tho. so not great. I suspect the ultimate recovery would not be 100K so really not much there. You seem to think different but what you think does not matter, you never worked in the bizz, have no background nor anything. Baay was not too the moon, he even said it was lousy rock. They p[lugged and moved uphole, that risk on a well also indicates not much interest in a 300 bopd well, that might produce 200 and decline 50% each and every year. So I don't find it meaningful, baay does not promote it, and said the plan might be to comigle the two uphole intervals, not mentioning your lower find... but YOU think otherwise.. sorry why would anyone care wwhat YOU think about a well??? you are an egocentric money losing whizz alright
bet you were like this at school.. always behind.. now try to keep up here, test 2 was the discusson.. you know the second test. the one after the first that you appear to still be studyin" lol
why do people leave here and have new names? people like YOU and prolenses and kaddililofer and one other meaningless poster here, report posters they dislike. yes, rather than keep the only knowlegable poster in well completion cuzz they dislike it when he sells the stock.. they report and report and report.. hell I once had an message from the moderators.. they had had a whack of reports of me on a stock no one ever heard of and so just cuzz the reports piled up over a month, I was removed.. lol.. typical huh? ignore and report the voice you dislike. the voice that would steer away from txp, for good reason. Reason YOU cannot argue cuzz I know more, so best igggy and report
they could have followed me and made 1600% money.. nope they report to remove bet ya you did not make 1600% holding txp all this that is the iq of you and a few