RE:SARGES post to LEOThe wi-fi is up at the homesless shelter and Tinkerbell is making a nuisance of himself again. The fool never learns.
SuperDude2 wrote: Figures after taking a boo at Leos posts you would be in agreement with him . One great Bromance between dopers who think their cool. Leo was always a fraud idiot , but then you clown joined the club. You are a disgrace , have zero integrity , participate in SH leaderboard fraud. Could go on forever , conclude , do you reveal to your family what a complete liar and waste of space you have become. Both you two bit wannabes can stuffit , just like your wife does with next weeks Turkey. Now post this to your kids and Grandkids , they will be proud. By the way impersonating NCO does Leo send a few ounces to you for Xmas