,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SUNNY WAYS.........InDeedHey LEO__
Wonder IF this IS an OMEN from DOMAN Yesterday on my PM WalkAbout__For the 1st TIME EVER in my LIFE__FOUND a CDN DOLLAR COIN on the ground in the NearBy Mall Parking Lot.
https://www.coinsandcanada.com/coins-prices.php?coin=1-dollar-1984&years= It is the 1984 Jacques Cartier one.
As I said this IS the VERY FIRST Time I have EVER SEEN a CDN Dollar Coin__EVEN Back in the Late 50s/Early 60s WHEN I DID SEE a Number of 50 CENT Coins__Used to See them in the Coins put in the Empty Milk Bottles I put out for MOM on the front steps for the Milk Man (actually was a woman)
Back THEN NoBody EVER went around STEALING those Coins in ALL the Neighbourhood__so WoWeeeee__have THINGS CHANGED SINCE Then eh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!