Apologizes to this boardI made an effort as a real shareholder tomstimulate conversation about HDIV , an excellent all round ETF. I also said in my first post to watch for a group of own nothing say nothing paid idiots from SH , get that SH , our platform that says join now , have a say it's free, but we reserve the right for our cockroach slugs to attack real members , for what you ask. To create bogus reads , to fill our fraudulent leaderboards with our trolls. Now you see it a gay video of two of SH minions , a lying post by another slug they employ . Next expect a video of the 3 hillbilly inbred Whittaker's , that's the Executive suite of the retards who are a disgrace to anything honest , decent and having integrity. Those post Fascists will remove this post and or me , that's their Blackshirt cowardly style. While l have a say , HDIV is now my second largest position and l am adding monthly with new money available. If SH decides to excerise their elimination function , so be it , screw those frauds , hopefully a few get to read and see what they signed up for.