RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:100 GrandYeh. Too many skus might be too complicated and we don't want to come close to tanking our skus because we bit on more than we can chew.
I was thinking that the rtd beverages require heavy shipping and manpower while the powder packs are light and convenient, especially for hikers and such and easy to add to a bottle of water or your favourite beverage.
I still remember the cbd bottle caps that you screwed onto your beverage choice and pressed to release the magic ingredient into your drink and then shake to dissolve. Didn't seem to fly at the time and my first thought was, messy! But I remember working in the soft drink biz and they came out with 12 packs that the consumer didn't like when first released. They are all over the place now!
I hope we have a shot at getting that $100k refunded but kudos to the accountant who bought it to our attention. Even if we had to put a collector on it, or a Hell's Angel, we could recoup some!
glta and dyodd