RE:RE:TESLA is most probably a PYR Drosrite ClientYou guys are dumber than a door knob. "Most probably" because a couple of photos show blue sky and some hills in the background. RFLMAO!!!!!! Yes, you got it, does Tesla actually produce its own components? How much does any car manufacturer produce their own components? Which part of production for which parts does "dross" that Drosrite handles concern? So, how are we going to get to the point where it is Tesla itself being a client for the Drosrite system? And even if there was a remote possibility, does Elon sound like a guy that will fart around for 4-5 years for something such as a Drosrite system? Surely you guys must be laughing behind you keyboards trying to promote this narrative!!! Haven't seen a board with dumber pumpers and dumber bashers....such ridiculously creative pitches! LOL!!!!
bcsc wrote: The news release you supply the link to is for the sale of 2 Drosrite systems to an "Asian client", so definitely not Tesla.
The first 2 Drosrite systems were however sold to "a North American auto parts manufacturer" subject to an NDA.Could this be Tesla? Possibly, but not sure I would call them a parts manufacturer but rather an Automaker.
Keep reaching