RE:RE:Sequence of Events...No you're not the scapegoat...silly
You appointed the CEO to that role...until you did the 180 on Dec 2.
PS I am no particular Seto fan myself. I see his role as being more of a care-taker, at the end of the middle game and, the beginning of the end-game.
The timing of when things start to move is really more under the purview of other forces/insittiutions/individuals such as :
the FDA
the CMO (rolodex repairs progressing nicely)
the BoD (in control of the Value discovery strategy)
A dialysis co to be named later
and Yes Covid.
BayStreetWild wrote: I saw what everyone else saw. Garbage. A refusal to admit mistakes. The biggest drop in price happened after the company didn't live up to a single promise since the financing. I'm not the scapegoat for every missed goal in 2021.
You think I'd rather the price went down from .60 to .22 and put me deep in the red so I can pick up half more of a position? No. I'd rather the price went up to $4 so I can enjoy my money today.
mercedesman wrote: July 20 price falls 7.7 % from .52 (July 19th close) to .48
July 21 Spectral announces $ 10 million dollar offering (catching many retail investors off guard.
July 21 BSWild is born on StockHouse
4th post (that same day)
scathing attack on CEO "...
How can you be a leader if this is your character? How do you walk with your head high into meetings?..."
Stock falls to .395 that same day. Another 18% down.
BS Wild continues to bash relentlessly for about 2 months. Stops posing
Sept. 29th Stock falls steadily until it hits a new recent closing low of .22 on Nov 22
Miraculously .22 is the price at which BS Wild says he bought more.
After a 2 month sabatical from SH
BSWild - shows up and posts again on
Dec 2 "It was the most respectful and truthful presentation to date. Even the effort to learn and grow from past mistakes is a big step forward for this company."
Since then mostly kind words about what a great job Seto et al did during the investor presentation.
- Bashed relentlessly from the same day he was born on SH throughout the period of the largest percentage drop in share price since Oct 2016. Mostly about how Seto's words didn't match his actions.
- Then he apparently goes long at the exact lowest closing share price
- Claims that he bought back in based on Seto's words during early Dec presentation
- All coinciding incredibly well with "surprise" financing and tax loss selling season.
And we are supposed to believe that the most negative poster in recent memory (typically on one specific topic - i.e ALL about how Seto has failed)
had suddenly done a 180 based on one presentation !? And of course he wasn't at all talking his book, nor following instructions - at any time from July 21 to today?
Riiiiiiigght !!!
We have not seen a 180 like this since Josh 19. Hmmmm ?
And I thought the Russians were good at manipulating weak minds via Social Media.