Year-end shareholder surveyIn its efforts at continuous improvement, management would like to have the honest opinion of shareholders on the following statements:
Agree/Disagree: Management has been successful at increasing shareholder value by getting financing to build a mine.
Agree/Disagree: Management has been successul at increasing shareholder value by rewriting the feasibility study to include higher ounces, costs and risks, but not increasing the profitability.
Agree/Disagree: Management has been successful at increasing shareholder value by stopping drilling, digging a few trenches following the artisanal miners, not announcing an exploration plan, but continuing to talk about blue-sky potential.
Agree/Disagree: Management has been successfual at increasing shareholder value by putting out more interviews saying the same thing over and over.
Agree/Disagree: It doesn't matter what management does because the project is of no interest to investors capable of building a mine.
Agree/Disagree: There is no better investment than AGG out there, so shareholders should just hold on to their shares no matter what.