Our Response To Covid.... Demonstrates/Highlights the Complete Systemic "Sickness" that everyone here has that causes them to REFUSE to use common sense. Highlights the corruption, greed, fear, hate.......... that our society has ALWAYS provided stupid EXCUSES for, and our society accepted those excuses, propoganda.
Covid, a virus, is not susceptible to Propoganda, greed, hate, corruption.... it will do what it want. We on the other hand will make up all kinds of Excuses as to why we are in the situataion we are in with this Pandemic........
It takes a virus like Covid, REPEATED outbreaks of variants, continued Failure after Failure after Failure..........2 years of failures...... and even then, only a small fraction of people here starting to realize the BS.
News Flash.....This BS been going on for Decades/Centuries.... And People eat it up because People can get their way by BS......... ONLY a something Like a VIRUS BS doesn't work on.
2 years of Failures after Failures....... Now, we are expected to live with the BS, the Endemic, because we REFUSE to admit/reveal the TRUTH.
But this CRAZY response/BS is nothing new.... it's what been used to wage WAR on all these countries that haven't "attacked" us. Propoganda BS works on people......not on a virus.
All just my opinion/view/thinking