RE:When can we expect sales sku #’s?LOL, this is the time for these micro caps when they make it or fall flat on their faces. Over 95% of them fall flat on their faces for one simple reason they are pump and dumps, management mining the market. Will this one be one of the 5% that makes it? We will know by the end of Febuary which it is to be. Micro cap companies have to promo their company to get known, to bring eyes to the company and their products. In Canada you can't advertise your pot products to any degree so this gives them two possible ways to promo their products, send an army of foot soldiers out to every store in each province at a cost of millions or promo your company to bring the eyes to the company and it's products and where they can be purchased. This again will give us a hint which way thei company will end up. No company promo in January and likely it falls flate on it's face, we shall see. If we see promo then it's likely we are off to the races with strong sales again we shall see.