
The clown that hypes 20x valuation now!


Uncleron - (8/18/2021 1:32:54 PM)
Uncleron & the Motley Fool agree

Pyrogenesis is going to make a lot of Millionaire's out of a lot of investors...Welcome to the Pyrogenesis Millionaire's Club $$$$$$$...why ? because of all the gamechanging disruptive GREEN plasma technologies they are bringing to an industrial world that desperately needs green tech .. NOW !... not in 5 years,,,, now !...The next decent contract will triple the SP , the one after that and the next couple will put us @ $100 +++...harvest season is very close.......Pyrogenesis is going to become a huge Blue Chip Company.....real soon...uncleron is always right !..cheers..............the pros agree with me $$$$$