French Quebecois threatementHi folks I know that tomorrow i will regret what i am posting under the influence of alcool today but i think it has to be said.
There are a few posters like Mr Petersbourggray and Bazbuz and a few others that take pleasure in posting and downgrading the French population of Quebec.
Does any of you realize that it is not possible to speak against coloured people or against any visible minorities( indegenious, black,italian,greek,,arabes,and any other nations without being pursued in court).
But it is still possible to post any nonsense against a french minority.
We as french have the most possibility of being exterminated due to our smallest % of Americas population. More indians, Italians,greek,spanish and all other communities. etc.
We as french have the only province that is considered by law as french.
But we are controlled by the 10% superior race (english).
We have to post anything that is relevant in english before we do in French due to all creticts.
Any posters can post lies about Abcourt posting only in french and after being proven wrong due to a superior attitude not have to excuse themselfs or confirm being wrong.
A post translated to english with most of the translation being wrong and confusing and not being cancelled and then blaming the french poster as not posting in a language that could not be understood by a fool.
Abcourt is a mine in Quebec controlled by french persons and payes taxes in Quebec and Canada and we should not be ashamed of being french.
You all tought that you could profit from Abcourt resourses like we all did and someday we will all do.
Nothing to do with the language mentality.
Please don't expect appoligies from me tomorrow because of my inferior race mentality.
We are a proud race and used to insults but will never concede to the superior race.
Sorry for all my gramatical errors(too confused to correct).