"Are assays near?"227.6 miles. to Reno
Just saw a little niche for a bit of humour.
They achieved what they had to with the three drill holes and that was to verify the claystones continued from within Li's property to within CRUZ's property. No need at this point for increased drill holes. They have now sent the drill cores on to ALS labs, likely Reno for assay. They would be hoping that "potential" lithium deposits were encountered. Big bonus for "go forward". Even without hitting lithium, they will need to do a more active drill program for discovery of li deposits which tend to be here and there in zones throughout the claystone formation according to their source of deposition. "Where did they come from?". "How did they get there?" They, as Li did, would like to discover a cluster of lithium bearing zones providing a core of very substantial value,i.e.,"Cruz would prove up to being mineable".
Lot of work still to be done.
Demand is growing rapidly but lithium is a scarce mineral. CRUZ and other lithium exploration
and discovery initiatives are rushed to get to production, lot of activity on the supply side to get in on the demand .