RE:007I'm with you Ocean.
Been here a while but I see so many multiple potentials on the horizon.
If we can get to a Maiden Resource with Pardo this year I believe multiple eyes will have no chance but jump in. Open pit mining of grades in the 5-9 g/t in virtually unheard of (particularily at surface) when economic pits are mining at 1-2g/t. We haven't proven the large tonnage but having starter pits and progressing from there is feasible.
Cobalt Hill assays within the next couple of months should be interesting on the anomoly.
Also quite interested to see what comes of Rathbun. Not expecting wide intervals but hopefully some very good assays for further drilling potentials. Sudbury offset dykes are quite tricky to define but starting with good assays is number one followed by trying to source the sweet spots in folds, noses and pools.
Not going anywhere myself.