Something big is likely in the worksEvidence:
1.) They managed to get the retired Pfizer CMO as a scientific consutant
2.) They liked their IR officer but she left because a family situation would not allow her to travel - so they needed someone in that role who could travel and explain what is going to be announced.
3.) They have gone totally silent yet still have meetings scheduled with large shareholders later this month.
4.) They pulled the corporate presentation and have not yet replaced it. It would be pretty easy to update if there was not something significant going on that would really lead to material changes.
5.) They gave larger options grants and gave them earlier than normal.
My best guess is whatever is coming down the pike will be viewed as a positive development. The chances of a big fundraising occurring on the back of any such good news is high, unless the good news is partnership agreements that bring upfront cash along with them.
There could be a series of pieces of good news - China cancer partnership, other cancer partnerships, NASH partnership, acquisition of other drugs, selling Trogarzo rights to someone else to concentrate on Egrifta and cancer, etc.
There could also be a friendly acquisition of THTX in play and that is why things have gone silent and big options grants, etc.
While the market is tired of the wait for news, there is meaningful evidence that something signifcant and good is being worked on behind the scenes.