RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Half a Billion FinancingWhen the choice is between either paying the going cost for Graphene BlackTM, which will be determined for some current USEPA regulations and laws violators on a case by case basis, or simply getting out of the business of producing such graphene comprised products all together; which one would you choose.
Certainly, there are other 'choices' for such violators of USEPA regulations and laws.
What follows are merely a few of such choices
-1. Get out your very large pocket books and try to buy NanoXplore outright
-2. Attempt a 'creeping takeover' of NanoXplore Inc.; and that's not going to happen because most of the shares are held by Long and Strong NanoXplore share holders who most certainly know what they own a piece of, eh.
-3. Go to court and foolishly complain about a corporation having invested in following the existing rules, regulations and environmental laws of the United States of America (see the USEPA Consent Order and all the work, time and expense having been poured into acheiving such a "Graphene BlackTM" Consent Order); later simply realizing you've wasted time and lost all your graphene associated bussiness contracts anyway.
-4. Try to join the 'exclusively' controlling NanoXplore 'principals', doing so by way of incrementally or perhaps all at once 'attempting - and potentially failing of course - to purchase your position at the 'exclusive table'; this when various tranches of the $500 Million Dollar shelf prospectus capital raise offerings are made available for all the most fiscally capable violators of USEPA regulations and laws governing the manufacturing of or importing of Graphene comprised products.