RE:TFSA Locked and LoadedHey Jimthebull, I was reading your post of January 6th again where you recommended young investors load up their TFSA (Canada only obviously) and attempt to hit a home run on this one. I think you are right. Obviously every investor will have to think this one through for themselves and make their own decision about their risk comfort level. If you think about risk reward, here is what some of you have been essentially saying (and I merely reiterate): Put 5 or 6K new monies in your and your spouse's TFSA as your 2022 contribution. Buy 1000 BKM shares in each account. If Booker fails to get approval, your investment shrinks to $1500. (Assuming drop to $1.50/share. If it Gets approval, value goes to 80-100K within a year?? All tax free. Not sure many investment opportunities out there like this one. Got some risk? Sure. But I just like the odds.