LiLy2021 wrote:
alvarez2 wrote:
Good posts appears you've got a good head on your shoulders and are on the right track. Perhaps you maybe younger than Total by age but obviously much more advanced in terms of wisdom, intellect and open mindedness. Nobody knows everything but everyone knows obviously have a better grasp of that than he. I'm likely closer to his age btw.
Thank you, Sir, for your kind words, but I can only accept the open-mindedness. :-)
Speaking of wisdom, I remember Confucius once said: "There are three methods to gain wisdom. First, by by reflection, which is the noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest." I'm only trying to earn wisdom by the most cost-effective way: through other people's experience. All I need is to be open-minded.
Now back to BTO. I don't know if the poor performance in the mining sector has anything to do with the flow of funds moving away from it and into the energy sector. At least I see logic in the latter: if oil goes up, share price of the entire sector would go up; if oil goes down, so will energy; if there's a supply glut, oil they'll trade lower; if there's a supply crunch or energy crisis, they'll go bonkers. Other factors like OPEC's decision or interest rates would have clear impact on SP of these companies. But with BTO (I don't own any other miners), it seems to defy all logic.
If it's money moving away from the miners, then I'll wait a bit before adding more to my position. I'll just follow the money. I make no difference between gold, silver, paper, or debt. Whatever makes me money is king. In the words of Deng Xiu Ping: "It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice."