The AHOPs don't get it.I post relevant infor for other readers and. AS EXPECTED, the Toxic bashers WILL SEEMINGLY DELIBERATELY INTERVENE (uninvited) to try to quell anything I post for the sake of doing that. That's what AHOPs do. It seems they would rather "play' with daily insults like a tennis match lobbing insults at each other all day and in their sick way, they think that is entertainment?
What they don't get is that they both have me on IGNORE, yet they keep posting about me seemingly trying to lure me to post along with their daily slapstick nonsense or they answer my posts directly. So why do they seem to keep lying to themselves. Seemingly full of shenanigans those two dufuses. What they don't get as well and have never seem to understand is that they are not my audience ever. They just think wanna be and I don't want them ever! Anyone can tell that the two AHOPs are an act, an act that fails, but they don't get that as well. They are not entitled to receive any response from me, because they seem not to want to ever engage as grown ups on a finanical chat board. It seems they would rather prevail as AHOPs and no one is falling for what seems like a deliberate bashing spiel ---- but they don't get it. Not spieling with you, ewe sea?